Tree Cover Loss Analysis#

Step 1. Import Libraries#

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex, Image

Step 2. Prepare data from Global Forest Watch#

Global forest watch sources its data from a University of Maryland time-series analysis of Landsat images that show global forest extent and change. These data can be downloaded for free, as .tiff files.

Following is an example of what these files look like rendered using QGIS, in Syria, covering the period from 2000-2020. The intensity of the red color is commensurate with the intensity of forest cover loss.

# Read in treecover data loss dataset and metadata. The metadata will help us match admin id numbers with their actual names
df = pd.read_csv("data/treecover_loss_by_region__ha.csv")
meta = pd.read_csv("data/adm1_metadata.csv", usecols=["name", "adm1__id"])

# Merge data frames on adm1 column
merged_df = pd.merge(df, meta, left_on="adm1", right_on="adm1__id", how="left")

# Drop original adm1 column and rename merged adm1 column to "adm1"
merged_df.drop("adm1", axis=1, inplace=True)
merged_df.rename(columns={"name": "adm1"}, inplace=True)

# Preview the new merged data frame
iso umd_tree_cover_loss__year umd_tree_cover_loss__ha gfw_gross_emissions_co2e_all_gases__Mg adm1 adm1__id
0 SYR 2001 3.480518 763.156831 Al Ḥasakah 1
1 SYR 2001 23.259127 5419.176101 Aleppo 2
2 SYR 2001 7.879289 1948.088177 Ar Raqqah 3
3 SYR 2001 2.140265 545.701701 Dayr Az Zawr 7
4 SYR 2001 75.270909 20104.074759 Hamah 8

Step 3. Create pivot table to show change in forest cover loss over time, by first administrative level#

# Create pivot table of tree cover loss by admin1 and year
pivot = pd.pivot_table(merged_df, values="umd_tree_cover_loss__ha",
                       index="adm1", columns="umd_tree_cover_loss__year",
                       aggfunc=sum, fill_value=0)

# Display the pivot table
umd_tree_cover_loss__year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ... 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Al Ḥasakah 3.480518 0.986151 0.862637 0.123263 0.061612 0.062083 0.000000 2.227976 0.309338 0.868839 ... 1.489113 0.370907 0.124082 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Aleppo 23.259127 2.558609 14.358696 7.035085 6.465869 4.662156 7.333947 120.965704 18.725133 4.921604 ... 16.887510 37.336229 19.853886 0.994854 1.116550 7.650396 25.461913 123.576922 109.802907 82.457021
Ar Raqqah 7.879289 4.689905 1.565029 1.188662 0.874299 1.432591 2.629462 2.128434 4.065437 6.387455 ... 2.317495 0.436470 0.125291 0.250553 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Dar`a 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.064731 0.258925 0.000000 0.064732 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Dayr Az Zawr 2.140265 0.188467 0.377624 0.696905 0.126386 0.000000 1.073532 0.762680 0.568986 0.251701 ... 1.319054 0.314921 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Hamah 75.270909 21.656590 8.800606 8.246462 9.514644 155.613112 24.385281 12.506246 30.970247 34.212082 ... 207.689804 158.491165 259.917182 1634.596085 1125.643516 1105.887974 425.235510 481.166452 1202.593810 536.263460
Hims 6.352807 0.507980 0.381551 0.253918 2.792863 0.317257 1.904211 0.127070 2.094730 1.143021 ... 2.923788 4.262075 4.062676 43.459727 92.174943 23.728053 4.188380 4.507124 74.919512 183.112050
Idlib 27.095845 15.280434 24.910104 14.464419 12.279044 46.664039 34.823248 10.393510 7.070212 113.332822 ... 1106.759225 74.325848 109.792240 93.491690 115.755690 311.652435 186.094799 131.866447 84.258604 55.678079
Lattakia 76.985513 88.706425 54.998993 71.267972 742.447252 65.291268 1480.024060 668.021859 54.883082 69.666617 ... 4022.257680 968.074040 522.129303 501.735361 426.535367 588.007699 235.497610 351.082340 1356.140526 1622.487838
Rif Dimashq 1.610330 0.193247 0.193407 0.579396 1.417245 0.000000 0.128872 0.000000 0.064410 0.064413 ... 0.064207 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Tartus 43.160692 13.231385 8.357694 3.166264 15.828417 6.709051 24.934269 17.024264 12.155203 9.684413 ... 8.933851 26.756466 42.030749 118.642899 51.382905 109.643047 26.950682 84.320991 209.955002 376.116621

11 rows × 21 columns

Step 4. Calculate cumulative forest cover loss#

import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Set font family
plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'

# Group data by admin1 and year, and calculate cumulative tree cover loss
grouped_df = merged_df.groupby(['adm1', 'umd_tree_cover_loss__year'])['umd_tree_cover_loss__ha'].sum().reset_index()
grouped_df['cummulative loss'] = grouped_df.groupby('adm1')['umd_tree_cover_loss__ha'].cumsum()

# Convert year column to integers
grouped_df['umd_tree_cover_loss__year'] = pd.to_numeric(grouped_df['umd_tree_cover_loss__year'], errors='coerce', downcast='integer')

# Replace NaN values with None
grouped_df['umd_tree_cover_loss__year'] = grouped_df['umd_tree_cover_loss__year'].where(pd.notnull(grouped_df['umd_tree_cover_loss__year']), None)

# Create line chart of cumulative tree cover loss over time, by admin1
ax = sns.lineplot(x='umd_tree_cover_loss__year', y='cummulative loss', hue='adm1', data=grouped_df, linewidth=3)
ax.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Tree Cover Loss (ha)', fontsize=16)
ax.set_title('Cumulative Syria Tree Cover Loss from 2000-2021, by Governorate', fontsize=24)
ax.legend(fontsize=12, title='Governorate', title_fontsize=16)

# Set background color and grid
ax.grid(True, 'major', axis='y', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5)
ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5)

# Save chart as a PNG file
plt.savefig('images/syria-tree-loss-chart.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

Step 5. Calculate total tree cover loss by administrative level 1, identify which admin1s account for the greatest losses, and then calculate their percent of the national total#

# Group data by admin1 and calculate tree cover loss
total_loss = round (merged_df.groupby('adm1')['umd_tree_cover_loss__ha'].sum(),2)

# Calculate percentage of the total tree cover loss for each admin1
percentage_loss = total_loss / total_loss.sum() * 100

# Get the admin1 with the highest tree cover loss
most_loss = total_loss.idxmax()
percentage_of_total = percentage_loss.max()

# Get the admin1 with the second highest tree cover loss
second_most_loss = total_loss.nlargest(2).iloc[-1]
second_most_loss_adm1 = total_loss.nlargest(2).index[-1]
percentage_of_total_2 = percentage_loss[second_most_loss_adm1]

# Get the admin1 with the third highest tree cover loss (repeat for additional areas)
third_most_loss = total_loss.nlargest(3).iloc[-1]
third_most_loss_adm1 = total_loss.nlargest(3).index[-1]
percentage_of_total_3 = percentage_loss[third_most_loss_adm1]

# Display the results (customize the local name for an admin1 area)

display(Markdown(f"The governorate with the most tree cover loss is {most_loss}, with {total_loss[most_loss]} hectares lost, which represents {percentage_of_total:.2f}% of the total loss across all governorates."))
display(Markdown(f"The governorate with the second most tree cover loss is {second_most_loss_adm1}, with {second_most_loss} hectares lost, which represents {percentage_of_total_2:.2f}% of the total loss across all governorates."))
display(Markdown(f"The governorate with the third most tree cover loss is {third_most_loss_adm1}, with {third_most_loss} hectares lost, which represents {percentage_of_total_3:.2f}% of the total loss across all governorates."))

The governorate with the most tree cover loss is Lattakia, with 14045.48 hectares lost, which represents 52.85% of the total loss across all governorates.

The governorate with the second most tree cover loss is Hamah, with 7524.2 hectares lost, which represents 28.31% of the total loss across all governorates.

The governorate with the third most tree cover loss is Idlib, with 2629.7 hectares lost, which represents 9.90% of the total loss across all governorates.

NOTE: Most of the code in this workbook was generated using a ChatGPT notebook prepred by the Lab: