Data Goods Team and Acknowledgements

Data Goods Team and Acknowledgements#

The Data Lab would like to express our sincere gratutude and appreciation for the colleagues who worked together to prepare this Data Goods package:




Holly Krambeck

Project Lead

WB Data Lab, DECDG

Robert Andrew Marty

Analyst - Cross border activity monitoring and economic analysis using nighttime lights


Maria Ruth Jones

Senior Economist - Field surveys


Gabriel Stefanini Vicente

Data Scientist - Cross border activity monitoring using GPS data

WB Data Lab, DECDG

Andres Chamorro

Geographer - Tracking shipping routes, change in agricultural production


Sahiti Sarva

Data Scientist - Access, code and data management

WB Data Lab, DECDG

The Data Lab would also like to express our appreciation for Luan Zhao, Senior Economist and Task Team Leader for the Syria Economic Monitor. Luan has provided enormous support (and encouragement!) to the Lab team, working alongside us as we experiment with new data methods and modes of collaboration, every step of the way.