Monitoring the Red Sea Shipping Crisis#
The Red Sea shipping crisis is a global crisis that began in October 2023, when missile attacks on ships and tankers traversing the Red Sea caused hundreds of vessels to avoid the Suez Canal. The attacks are concentrated near the Bab al-Mandab Strait, a 20-mile-wide chokepoint for maritime traffic. The World Bank Country Economics teams in Egypt, Yemen, and Djibouti seek to monitor the status and impacts of the crisis on their respective and regional economies.
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Most of the data science products in thie repository are derived using maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS) data pulled from the IMF PortWatch system and from the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics, as well as conflict statistics provided by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project.
Additional details about each dataset—such as licensing, update frequency, and access instructions—are provided within the respective data products.
Data Availability Statement#
Restrictions may apply to the data that support the findings of this study. Data received from the private sector through the Development Data Partnership are subject to the terms and conditions of the data license agreement and the “Official Use Only” data classification. These data are available upon request through the Development Data Partnership. Licensing and access information for all other datasets are included in the documentation.
This projects is licensed under the Mozilla Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Code of Conduct#
The World Bank Data Lab template used to create this project maintains a Code of Conduct to ensure an inclusive and respectful environment for everyone. Please adhere to it in all interactions within our community.