Conflict in the Persian Gulf#

This section examines how the conflict events in the Persian Gulf have progressed since the crisis started in October 7th. The analysis is conducted using data from ACLED. Data was collected for three countries - Iran, Oman and UAE.


To match the conflict analysis with the maritime trade trends as previously seen on this web-book, we aggregated the ACLED data to show weekly trends near the ports of interest.

Visualizing conflict in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz between October 7th 2023 and October 20th 2024#

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m = grouped_data[grouped_data["event_type"] != "Protests"].explore(
    marker_kwds={"radius": 5},
    tooltip=["event_date", "location", "notes_part1", "notes_part2", "notes_part3"],
    tooltip_kwds={"aliases": ["date", "location", "details", "", ""]},
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

There were 13 incidents in Oman and Iran revolving around vessels, ships, Houthi forces, boats or tankers since October 7th 2023. These include events on the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and Lake Tharthar. There was one incident in Kargan (a city in Iran) that resulted in 3 fatalities which involved the arest of fuel smugglers. Of the 28 incident, 4 involved fuel smuggling. 3 events were in the Persian Gulf, 2 in Gulf of Oman and 1 in Strait of Hormuz.

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