Sea Routes#

This notebook cleans and processes maritime routes from Mariquant (2019) made available in the following S3 links:


import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from os.path import join, expanduser
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.wkt import loads
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString

pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)
import sys

gn_path = join(expanduser("~"), "Repos", "GOSTnets")
import GOSTnets as gn
import osmnx as ox
import pickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Load Datasets#

routes_dir = join(expanduser("~"), "tmp", "sea_routes")
ports = pd.read_csv(join(routes_dir, "ports.csv"), index_col=0)
distances = pd.read_csv(join(routes_dir, "distances.csv"), index_col=0)
routes = pd.read_csv(join(routes_dir, "routes.csv"), index_col=0)
from pandarallel import pandarallel

pandarallel.initialize(progress_bar=False, nb_workers=60)
INFO: Pandarallel will run on 60 workers.
INFO: Pandarallel will use Memory file system to transfer data between the main process and workers.
routes.loc[:, "geometry"] = routes.parallel_apply(
    lambda x: Point(x["lon"], x["lat"]), axis=1
routes = gpd.GeoDataFrame(routes, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326")
trip_count prev_port next_port lat lon frequency geometry
7641 1984063 4410 3658 45.764835 -87.053288 1.0 POINT (-87.05329 45.76483)
7642 1984063 4410 3658 45.608533 -87.038217 1.0 POINT (-87.03822 45.60853)
7643 1984063 4410 3658 45.560133 -87.034233 1.0 POINT (-87.03423 45.56013)
routes.loc[routes.trip_count == 793298]
trip_count prev_port next_port lat lon frequency geometry
10505995 793298 842 1594 39.996088 26.134098 0.02 POINT (26.13410 39.99609)
10505996 793298 842 1594 40.011167 26.160333 0.02 POINT (26.16033 40.01117)
routes.loc[routes.trip_count == 793574]
trip_count prev_port next_port lat lon frequency geometry
10506002 793574 2866 842 51.334010 3.787823 0.02 POINT (3.78782 51.33401)
10506003 793574 2866 842 40.013000 26.160500 0.02 POINT (26.16050 40.01300)
10506004 793574 2866 842 39.996088 26.134098 0.02 POINT (26.13410 39.99609)
distances.loc[distances.trip_count == 793298]
trip_count prev_port next_port distance frequency
10505997 793298 2866 842 3.015057 0.02
routes.loc[(routes.prev_port == 2866) & (routes.next_port == 842)][
array([ 791366,  791569,  791704,  793090,  793161,  793163,  793404,
        793574,  793601, 2676969])
ports.loc[:, "geometry"] = ports.apply(lambda x: Point(eval(x.coords)[0]), axis=1)
ports = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ports, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326")
PORT_NAME INDEX_NO coords geometry
49159 Terminal Pesquero Cta. Quiane NaN ((-70.31722387298942, -18.513597026467323),) POINT (-70.31722 -18.51360)
49164 Oil Berth NaN ((-61.86886473007713, 17.150384410999997),) POINT (-61.86886 17.15038)
trip_count prev_port next_port distance frequency
7682 1984063 4410 3658 460.638148 1.0
7062 1948666 3658 7083 372.753814 1.0

Merge Routes with Geometry#

Clean Geometries#

Split geometry if it passes the international dateline (180 longitude)

pdc = "EPSG:3832"
wgs = "EPSG:4326"
azimuthal = "ESRI:54032"
rob = "ESRI:54030"
# check if signs of two numbers are different
def sign_diff(a, b):
    return a * b < 0

# split coords by dateline crossing
def split_coords(coords):
    # coords = list(coords)
    xs = [coord.x for coord in coords]
    xs_ = np.sign(xs)

    groups = []
    g = 0
    for i, x in enumerate(xs_):
        if i + 1 == len(xs_):
            if x != xs_[i + 1]:
                g += 1

    components = []
    for group in np.unique(groups):
        g_mask = [g == group for g in groups]
        comp = coords[g_mask]
        if len(comp) > 1:

    return components

def get_line(row):
    route = routes.loc[
            (routes["trip_count"] == row.trip_count)
            & (routes["prev_port"] == row.prev_port)
            & (routes["next_port"] == row.next_port)
    if len(route) > 1:
        coords = route.geometry.values
        xs = [coord.x for coord in coords]
        # check if route crosses dateline
        n_components = 1
        if sign_diff(np.min(xs), np.max(xs)) and (
            (np.abs(np.min(xs)) + np.abs(np.max(xs))) > 180
            components = split_coords(coords)
            if len(components) == 1:
                geom = LineString(components[0])
            elif len(components) > 1:
                n_components = len(components)
                geom = MultiLineString(components)
                geom = None
                n_components = 0
            geom = LineString(coords)
        return (geom, n_components)
        return (None, 0)
distances = distances.loc[(distances.prev_port != distances.next_port)].copy()
# route = routes.loc[((routes["trip_count"] == row.trip_count) & (routes["prev_port"] == row.prev_port) & (routes['next_port'] == row.next_port))].copy()
# for idx, row in tqdm(distances.iterrows()):
#     geom, n_components = get_line(row)
#     distances.loc[idx, "geometry"] = geom
#     distances.loc[idx, "n_components"] = n_components
# d = distances.head(100)
# d
res = distances.parallel_apply(lambda x: get_line(x), axis=1, result_type="expand")
res.rename(columns={0: "geometry", 1: "n_components"}, inplace=True)
geometry n_components
7682 LINESTRING (-87.05328753692308 45.764835, -87.... 1.0
7062 LINESTRING (-87.49138600094876 41.674835, -87.... 1.0
2712 LINESTRING (-83.98649742848713 46.056966407419... 1.0
7248 LINESTRING (-84.24103337782078 46.401167342082... 1.0
9021 LINESTRING (-84.37628495982278 46.51214, -84.3... 1.0
... ... ...
14004962 LINESTRING (129.4345365315 35.420577800000004,... 1.0
14005987 LINESTRING (140.83933433227966 51.461370019242... 1.0
14006777 LINESTRING (140.7279770176368 35.9373607719317... 1.0
14006449 LINESTRING (129.4414099450023 35.4347456475, 1... 1.0
14006517 LINESTRING (140.83933433227966 51.461370019242... 1.0

54464 rows × 2 columns

distances = distances.join(res)
distances = distances.loc[distances.n_components > 0].copy()
distances.to_csv(join(routes_dir, "distances_processed_v2.csv"), index=False)
# distances = pd.read_csv(join(routes_dir, "distances_processed_v2.csv"))
distances_filt = distances.loc[~(distances.geometry.isna())].copy()
distances_filt.loc[:, "geometry"] = distances_filt.apply(
    lambda x: loads(x.geometry), axis=1
1.0    51962
2.0     1705
4.0        2
3.0        2
Name: count, dtype: int64
distances = distances_filt.copy()

Clean Rotues#

Remove routes with too many segments

distances = distances.loc[distances.n_components < 3].copy()
distances = gpd.GeoDataFrame(distances, geometry="geometry", crs=wgs)

Remove long routes that intersect land (likely errors)

land = gpd.read_file(join(expanduser("~"), "tmp", "ne", "ne_50m_land.shp"))
land_geom = land.unary_union
def get_intersect_pct(geom):
    if geom.intersects(land_geom):
        length = geom.length
        length_land = geom.intersection(land_geom).length
        return length_land / length
        return 0
distances.loc[:, "land_intersect"] = distances.parallel_apply(
    lambda x: get_intersect_pct(x.geometry), axis=1
count    53667.000000
mean         0.060815
std          0.195913
min          0.000000
25%          0.000000
50%          0.000135
75%          0.007999
max          1.000000
Name: land_intersect, dtype: float64
len(distances.loc[distances.land_intersect > 0.5])
intersect_thresh = 0.1
length_thresh = distances.length.median()  # 10 #
distances2 = distances.loc[
        (distances.land_intersect > intersect_thresh)
        & (distances.length > length_thresh)
/tmp/ipykernel_4000684/ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'length' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  length_thresh = distances.length.median()  # 10 #
/tmp/ipykernel_4000684/ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'length' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  & (distances.length > length_thresh)
distances2.loc[:, "index"] = distances2.index
def get_n_vertices(row):
    if type(row.geometry) == LineString:
        return len(row.geometry.coords)
    elif type(row.geometry) == MultiLineString:
        return sum([len(line.coords) for line in row.geometry.geoms])
# row = distances2.loc[1390]
# row = distances2.iloc[0]
# get_n_vertices(row)
# distances2.[:, "n_vertices"] = distances2.parallel_apply(get_n_vertices, axis=1)
distances2.loc[:, "n_vertices"] = distances2.apply(get_n_vertices, axis=1)
# distances2.to_file(join(routes_dir, "distances2.gpkg"), driver="GPKG")
count    52581.000000
mean       204.802704
std        302.280853
min          2.000000
25%         24.000000
50%         81.000000
75%        247.000000
max       3156.000000
Name: n_vertices, dtype: float64
distances2 = distances2.loc[distances2["n_vertices"] > 5].copy()
to_remove = [51240, 19656, 43777, 44592, 27546, 40347, 30619, 43181, 6817, 19896]
# distances2.loc[51240]
trip_count prev_port next_port distance frequency geometry n_components land_intersect index n_vertices
distances2 = distances2.loc[~(distances2["index"].isin(to_remove))].copy()

Plot Routes#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 14))
distances2.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.1)
(-208.73408508695817, 200.2372267536647, -62.9315025035, 83.9357858335)
index PORT_NAME INDEX_NO coords geometry
0 49159 Terminal Pesquero Cta. Quiane NaN ((-70.31722387298942, -18.513597026467323),) POINT (-70.31722 -18.51360)
1 49164 Oil Berth NaN ((-61.86886473007713, 17.150384410999997),) POINT (-61.86886 17.15038)
2 16 Port of Basamuk NaN ((146.14295817405977, -5.53913255687803),) POINT (146.14296 -5.53913)
3 26 Victoria NaN ((-123.32715191091728, 48.402783083729446),) POINT (-123.32715 48.40278)
4 34 NaN NaN ((126.50786074843957, 36.333661512471735),) POINT (126.50786 36.33366)
len(distances2.loc[distances2.land_intersect == 1])
# distances2.loc[distances2.land_intersect ==1].explore()
# import git
# import os
# git_repo = git.Repo(join(expanduser("~"), "Repos", "red-sea-monitoring", "notebooks"), search_parent_directories=True)
# git_root = git_repo.git.rev_parse("--show-toplevel")
# sys.path.append(join(git_root, "src"))
# from red_sea_monitoring.utils import *
# chokepoints = get_chokepoints()
# chokepoints.loc[:, "geometry"] = chokepoints.apply(
#     lambda x: Point(x.lon,, axis=1
# )
# chokepoints = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
#     chokepoints, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326"
# )
# # List areas of interest
# aois = ["Bab el-Mandeb Strait", "Cape of Good Hope", "Suez Canal", "Strait of Hormuz"]
# azimuthal = "ESRI:54032"
# chokepoints_sel = chokepoints.loc[chokepoints.portname.isin(aois)].copy()
# # chokepoints_sel
# chokepoints_sel = chokepoints_sel.to_crs(azimuthal)
# chokepoints_sel.loc[:, "geometry"] = chokepoints_sel.buffer(500000)
# chokepoints_sel = chokepoints_sel.to_crs(wgs)
# chokepoints_sel
# circle = chokepoints_sel.geometry.values[0]
# circle
# center_x, center_y = circle.centroid.x, circle.centroid.y
# radius = circle.bounds[2] - center_x  # Calculate radius
# import shapely.geometry as sg
# line = sg.LineString([(center_x, center_y - radius), (center_x, center_y + radius)])

Split by Chokepoint#

import json

chokepoints_str = '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"Port_name":"Bab el-Mandeb Strait","Country":"chokepoint"},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[43.309777,12.493873],[43.331355,12.474386],[43.514229,12.664987],[43.479704,12.669198],[43.479704,12.669198],[43.309777,12.493873]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"Port_name":"Suez Canal","Country":"chokepoint"},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.553653,29.932182],[32.560088,29.926227],[32.583646,29.944185],[32.585828,29.955619],[32.580702,29.956848],[32.570668,29.942484],[32.570668,29.942484],[32.553653,29.932182]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"Port_name":"Cape of Good Hope","Country":"chokepoint"},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[19.877499,-34.845363],[19.910717,-37.614427],[19.9628,-37.616709],[19.944734,-36.60437],[19.926568,-34.850397],[19.926568,-34.850397],[19.877499,-34.845363]]]}}]}'
chokepoints_gdf = (
    .rename(columns={"geometry": "port_boundary"})
# for idx, row in distances2.head(10000).iterrows():
#     if row.geometry.intersects(chokepoints_gdf.unary_union):
#         print(idx)
#         break
# row = distances2.iloc[0]
# row_gdf = distances2.loc[[335]].copy()
# row = distances2.loc[335]
# chokepoints_sel = chokepoints_gdf.copy()
# row.geometry.intersects(chokepoints_sel.unary_union)
# chokepoint_gdf = chokepoints_sel.loc[chokepoints_sel.intersects(row.geometry)].copy()
# chokepoint = chokepoint_gdf.iloc[0]
# chokepoint
# row.geometry.intersects(chokepoint.port_boundary.boundary)
# m = row_gdf.explore()
# chokepoint_gdf.explore(m=m, color="red")
# m
from shapely.ops import split, linemerge
# t = split(row.geometry, chokepoint.port_boundary)
# for geom in t.geoms:
#     print(geom.length)
# p1 = row.copy()
# p2 = row.copy()

# p1.geometry = t.geoms[0]
# p2.geometry = linemerge(t.geoms[1:])
# p1.next_port = chokepoint.Port_name
# p2.prev_port = chokepoint.Port_name
# distances2.loc[335]
# res = []
# res.append(p1)
# res.append(p2)
pdc = "EPSG:3832"
wgs = "EPSG:4326"
azimuthal = "ESRI:54032"
rob = "ESRI:54030"
merc = "EPSG:3857"
# distances3 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(res, geometry="geometry", crs=wgs)
# distances3 = distances3.to_crs(azimuthal)
# distances3
# distances3.loc[:, "original_index"] = distances3.index
# distances3.loc[:, "original_distance"] = distances3['distance']
# distances3.loc[:, "distance"] = (distances3.geometry.length) / 1000
# distances3
def split_route(row, chokepoints_gdf):
    chokepoint_gdf = chokepoints_gdf.loc[
    if len(chokepoint_gdf) > 0:
        # return []
        chokepoint = chokepoint_gdf.iloc[0]
        t = split(row.geometry, chokepoint.port_boundary)
        # res = []
        if len(t.geoms) > 0:
            p1 = row.copy()
            p2 = row.copy()
            p1.geometry = t.geoms[0]
            p2.geometry = linemerge(t.geoms[1:])

            p1.next_port = chokepoint.Port_name
            p2.prev_port = chokepoint.Port_name
            return [p1, p2]
        print(f"No chokepoint found for {}")
        return None
        # for i, geom in enumerate(t.geoms):
        #     p = row.copy()
        #     p.geometry = geom
        #     if i == 0:
        #         p.next_port = chokepoint.Port_name
        #     elif i == len(t.geoms) - 1:
        #         p.prev_port = chokepoint.Port_name
        #     res.append(p)
distances_sub = distances2.loc[
res = []
for idx, row in distances_sub.iterrows():
    split_rows = split_route(row, chokepoints_gdf)
    if split_rows is not None:
distances3 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(res, geometry="geometry", crs=wgs)
distances3 = distances3.to_crs(azimuthal)
trip_count prev_port next_port distance frequency geometry n_components land_intersect index n_vertices
6114 1866491 3764 Suez Canal 283.994690 0.3 LINESTRING (3226455.212 3631660.552, 3224208.8... 1.0 0.717158 6114 21
6114 1866491 Suez Canal 2214 283.994690 0.3 LINESTRING (3277092.361 3485272.128, 3277185.4... 1.0 0.717158 6114 21
4987 1648653 3764 Suez Canal 240.896790 0.7 LINESTRING (3226455.212 3631660.552, 3223816.9... 1.0 0.757848 4987 22
4987 1648653 Suez Canal 2214 240.896790 0.7 LINESTRING (3276690.927 3484892.026, 3276551.7... 1.0 0.757848 4987 22
41743 2373626 6972 Bab el-Mandeb Strait 6528.593681 0.4 LINESTRING (3272322.205 3480671.978, 3276084.3... 1.0 0.000000 41743 410
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
13937919 2477738 Cape of Good Hope 4021 16329.725925 1.0 LINESTRING (1933235.497 -3941165.368, 1928543.... 1.0 0.002266 13937919 1028
13952165 2493847 45066 Cape of Good Hope 19647.237921 1.0 LINESTRING (375611.511 712099.611, 375650.997 ... 1.0 0.000487 13952165 1068
13952165 2493847 Cape of Good Hope 1975 19647.237921 1.0 LINESTRING (1928628.377 -3940019.423, 1933240.... 1.0 0.000487 13952165 1068
13994160 2924037 4092 Cape of Good Hope 22292.771583 1.0 LINESTRING (-5101943.571 -4037735.483, -510001... 1.0 0.000000 13994160 1311
13994160 2924037 Cape of Good Hope 2255 22292.771583 1.0 LINESTRING (1924184.596 -3972068.097, 1927665.... 1.0 0.000000 13994160 1311

5070 rows × 10 columns

distances3.loc[:, "original_index"] = distances3.index
distances3.loc[:, "original_distance"] = distances3["distance"]
distances3.loc[:, "distance"] = (distances3.geometry.length) / 1000
trip_count prev_port next_port distance frequency geometry n_components land_intersect index n_vertices original_index original_distance
6114 1866491 3764 Suez Canal 175.431891 0.3 LINESTRING (3226455.212 3631660.552, 3224208.8... 1.0 0.717158 6114 21 6114 283.994690
6114 1866491 Suez Canal 2214 46.880371 0.3 LINESTRING (3277092.361 3485272.128, 3277185.4... 1.0 0.717158 6114 21 6114 283.994690
4987 1648653 3764 Suez Canal 164.184105 0.7 LINESTRING (3226455.212 3631660.552, 3223816.9... 1.0 0.757848 4987 22 4987 240.896790
4987 1648653 Suez Canal 2214 46.430345 0.7 LINESTRING (3276690.927 3484892.026, 3276551.7... 1.0 0.757848 4987 22 4987 240.896790
41743 2373626 6972 Bab el-Mandeb Strait 1905.385948 0.4 LINESTRING (3272322.205 3480671.978, 3276084.3... 1.0 0.000000 41743 410 41743 6528.593681
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
13937919 2477738 Cape of Good Hope 4021 5020.539683 1.0 LINESTRING (1933235.497 -3941165.368, 1928543.... 1.0 0.002266 13937919 1028 13937919 16329.725925
13952165 2493847 45066 Cape of Good Hope 4970.972343 1.0 LINESTRING (375611.511 712099.611, 375650.997 ... 1.0 0.000487 13952165 1068 13952165 19647.237921
13952165 2493847 Cape of Good Hope 1975 11746.905683 1.0 LINESTRING (1928628.377 -3940019.423, 1933240.... 1.0 0.000487 13952165 1068 13952165 19647.237921
13994160 2924037 4092 Cape of Good Hope 7145.666398 1.0 LINESTRING (-5101943.571 -4037735.483, -510001... 1.0 0.000000 13994160 1311 13994160 22292.771583
13994160 2924037 Cape of Good Hope 2255 11356.725745 1.0 LINESTRING (1924184.596 -3972068.097, 1927665.... 1.0 0.000000 13994160 1311 13994160 22292.771583

5070 rows × 12 columns

distances4 = distances2.copy()
array([    6114,     4987,    41743, ..., 13937919, 13952165, 13994160])
distances4 = distances4.drop(distances3.original_index.unique()).copy()
distances3 = distances3.drop(columns=["original_index", "original_distance"])
distances3 = distances3.to_crs(wgs)
distances_final = pd.concat([distances4, distances3], sort=False).reset_index(drop=True)
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
chokepoints_gdf.loc[:, "geometry"] = chokepoints_gdf.geometry.representative_point()
chokepoints_gdf.rename(columns={"Port_name": "PORT_NAME"}, inplace=True)
chokepoints_gdf.loc[:, "index"] = chokepoints_gdf["PORT_NAME"]
chokepoints_gdf[["index", "PORT_NAME", "geometry"]]
index PORT_NAME geometry
0 Bab el-Mandeb Strait Bab el-Mandeb Strait POINT (43.41242 12.57943)
1 Suez Canal Suez Canal POINT (32.56841 29.93733)
2 Cape of Good Hope Cape of Good Hope POINT (19.91187 -35.72738)
ports2 = pd.concat(
    [ports, chokepoints_gdf[["index", "PORT_NAME", "geometry"]]], sort=False
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Convert to Graph Network#

# G = gn.edges_and_nodes_gdf_to_graph(
#     nodes_df=ports,
#     edges_df=distances2,
#     node_tag="index",
#     u_tag="prev_port",
#     v_tag="next_port",
#     geometry_tag="geometry",
#     largest_G=False,
#     discard_node_col=[],
#     checks=False,
#     add_missing_reflected_edges=False,
#     oneway_tag=None,
# )
G = gn.edges_and_nodes_gdf_to_graph(

Save graph

#, "G_sea_routes_fix", routes_dir, pickle=False, nodes=True, edges=True)
# with open(join(routes_dir, "G_sea_routes_fix.gpickle"), "wb") as f:
#     pickle.dump(G, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), "G_sea_routes_v2", routes_dir, pickle=False, nodes=True, edges=True)
with open(join(routes_dir, "G_sea_routes_v2.gpickle"), "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(G, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
G.graph["crs"] = wgs  # wgs
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, figsize=(12, 14), node_size=0.5, edge_linewidth=0.1)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, figsize=(12, 14), node_size=0.5, edge_linewidth=0.1)