Can private management of African protected areas improve socioeconomic and wildlife outcomes?
Case Study AtlasAI Inequality and Shared ProsperityAfrican governments increasingly entrust the management of protected areas to private, nongovernmental organizations, with the hope that the significant resources and technical capacities of private organizations will help realize the potential of these areas.
Advancing Women’s Empowerment Through Data
Case StudyData plays a fundamental role in identifying the challenges women are facing and in allowing policymakers and businesses to make informed decisions that improve women’s well-being and access to economic opportunities and overall development outcomes.
Unleashing the Power of Data to Tackle Traffic Congestion and Promote Road Safety
Case Study Mapbox Mapillary WazeAs the global population is constantly increasing, building modern and sustainable cities to accommodate everyone is crucial. This is enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in which the Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims to make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Leveraging Social Media Data to Map Road Traffic Crashes
Case Study XChallenge Road traffic crashes are among the world’s most pressing public health challenges. Crashes are the leading cause of death for those 5-29 years old and are the 8th leading cause of death considering all ages.
Impact of the Availability of ChatGPT on Software Development Activity
Case Study GitHub Digital Development AIAdvancements in Artificial Intelligence, especially with ChatGPT, have greatly influenced software development. Leveraging novel data from GitHub Innovation Graph, the World Bank’s Data Lab hypothesized that ChatGPT improves the efficiency of software production.
A Year in Review: Looking back on 2024
This has proven to be a busy yet fulfilling year for the Development Data Partnership (the Partnership). As we bid farewell to 2024, we reflect on a year marked by impactful projects and fruitful partnerships.
Analyzing the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Capital Market Activities
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development AIThe analytical chapter (Chapter 3) of the October 2024 Global Financial Stability Report aims to assess the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on capital markets.
Facilitating Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Lithuania to Provide Better Access to Healthcare and Long-Term Care Services to Citizens
Case Study Mapbox HealthLithuania is experiencing rapid demographic change, with the population both aging and significantly shrinking in recent decades. This trend has put pressure on the provision of public services such as health care, especially at the municipal level, and is expected to continue in the coming years.
Assessing Flood Risks in Peru
Case Study JBA Digital DevelopmentThe Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Water and Sanitation division leveraged data from JBA’s Global Flood Maps as supporting information to identify areas of exposure to flooding risk prior to the implementation of “Proyecto Para la Ampliación Y Mejoramiento de Los Servicios de Agua Potable Y Alcantarillado de la Ciudad de Juliaca-Puno” (in Spanish) to design and build a resilient water and sanitation infrastructure in Peru’s Puno region.
Understanding Internet Connectivity to Tackle the Digital Divide
Case Study Ookla Digital DevelopmentThe Internet offers great potential for contributing to more prosperous societies. For instance, it enables small businesses to overcome the challenges of entering worldwide markets.
Understanding Socioeconomic Disparities in Mobility Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Developing Countries
Case Study Veraset Inequality and Shared ProsperityThe COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted global mobility, but how did it affect different socioeconomic groups, particularly in developing and middle-income countries?
Nature-Based Solutions for Climate-Resilient Urban Development in Itahari, Nepal
Case Study JBA Disaster Risk ManagementCities across Nepal are increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change impacts. Rapid, unplanned urbanization and the country’s unique topography make major cities particularly prone to floods, landslides, and heat stress.
Examining the Prevalence of Technology Skills in Central America and the Dominican Republic
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentTechnological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to shape labor markets in Central America and the Dominican Republic (CADR).
Using Mobility Data for Resilient Transport Planning and Investments
Case Study Unacast Quadrant TransportChennai has been facing various challenges like changes in land use patterns and urban population stress, and a growing risk from events like floods and heavy rains, which all put pressure on its transport infrastructure.
Exploring the crucial role of traffic-related emissions on air pollution in Tbilisi
Case Study Waze HealthWith financial support from Sweden, the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Team working in the South Caucasus was seeking to understand how exposure to pollution varies within Tbilisi, Georgia across income groups and occupations to aid policy makers in developing solutions that benefit those who are most vulnerable to pollution.
Studying Service Accessibility in Towns and Villages
Case Study Mapbox Urban DevelopmentSettlements – cities, towns and villages – provide jobs and access to services for their own residents and other people living nearby.
Assessing the Impact of Extreme Temperatures on Sentiments through Social Media Data in Argentina
Case Study X HealthHow do extreme weather events affect people’s sentiments? Leveraging X (formerly known as Twitter) data, the World Bank’s Regional Direction of Sustainable Development for Latin America and the Caribbean worked with researchers from Argentina universities to study how extreme temperatures impact people’s moods in Argentina.
Evaluar El Impacto De Las Temperaturas Extremas En Los Sentimientos a Través De Datos De Redes Sociales En Argentina
Case Study X Salud¿Cómo afectan los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos a los sentimientos de las personas? A partir de los datos de la red social X (antes conocido como Twitter), la Dirección Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible para América Latina y el Caribe del Banco Mundial trabajó con investigadores de universidades argentinas para estudiar cómo las temperaturas extremas impactan sobre el estado de ánimo de las personas en Argentina.
Cultivating Human Capital and Skills in Argentina for Sustainable Long-Term Economic Growth
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentArgentina holds immense potential to achieve sustained and inclusive economic growth. However, the country is facing structural challenges to growth, including the gradually declining quality of human capital.
Monitoring and Simulating Trade Disruptions through Satellite-Based Vessel Data and Big Data Analytics
Case Study Esri Digital DevelopmentGlobal supply chains are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, natural hazards and geopolitical trade tensions. The International Monetary Fund and the Environmental Change Instituteat the University of Oxford established PortWatch to help people assess the domestic and international trade impact of actual and future disruptions.
Uncovering the Digital Divide in Brazil: Data Reveals Internet Inequality Across Income Groups
Case Study Ookla Digital DevelopmentLeveraging data from Ookla for Good™, the World Bank’s Digital Development Global Practice has analyzed the relationship between internet speed and income inequality within a sample of Brazilian cities.
Macroeconomic Monitoring with Google Trends
Case Study Google Jobs and DevelopmentChallenges such as a lack of timely high-frequency data make it difficult to monitor and evaluate changing economic situations. Google’s weekly search volume index (SVI) helped the International Monetary Fund provide more timely response and assessment of economic activity especially in Labor Markets and Tourism.
Partnership Day 2024: Harnessing Data and Technology and Private-Public Sector Collaboration to Tackle Development Challenges
The Development Data Partnership Day shed light on the significant roles of technology and private-public sector collaboration in helping international organizations and countries address development challenges for a more sustainable future.
Development Data Partnership Day 2024
AnnouncementJoin us for Development Data Partnership Day, which will be live-streamed from the OECD Headquarters & Conference Centre in Paris, France.
Implications of the Green Transition for the Labor Market
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentThe global shift towards a low-carbon economy is essential to address environmental challenges but will leave no area of economic and social life untouched.
A Greener Labor Market: Employment, Policies, and Economic Transformation
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentHow green is the labor market? Do workers have the skills needed for greener employment? The International Monetary Fund’s Research Department utilized LinkedIn data to analyze global green employment trends.
Understanding the Impact of Digitalization During COVID-19
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentCOVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of people’s work activities, inducing a digitalization push in the demand for certain types of skills and labor.
How Digitalization Can Enhance Economic Resilience
Case Study LinkedIn Digital Development Jobs and DevelopmentThe COVID-19 crisis has opened deep economic scars, leading to significant output losses. Can digitalization improve economic resilience to shocks such as the pandemic?
Using Mobility Data to Improve Lives in Lima
Case Study Mapbox Veraset Waze Urban Development TransportImproving traffic flow and enhancing road safety are critical to Lima which was ranked the fourth most congested metropolitan area in the world in 2022.
Assessing Traffic Congestion and Accessibility to Jobs Using Waze for Cities and Mapbox Data
Case Study Mapbox Waze Urban Development TransportTraffic congestion and suburbanization are becoming increasingly significant factors affecting urban mobility and limiting access to jobs and opportunities in most mid-sized cities worldwide.
Development Data Partnership 2023 Year in Review
It has been an extraordinary year for the Development Data Partnership. Before we start the new year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect and look back on what we have accomplished in 2023.
Assessing Digital Transformation in Firms in Latin America and the Caribbean
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentAre firms in Latin America and the Caribbean lagging in terms of their adoption of digital technologies? The Inter-American Development Bank’s Competitiveness, Technology, and Innovation Division leveraged LinkedIn data on the penetration of digital skills as part of an assessment on the adoption of technologies in the region.
Analyzing Digital Skills Gap in MENA Countries to Inform An Upskilling Initiative
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentDigital technologies are reshaping work and traditional jobs. It is essential for workers across all sectors to acquire and strengthen their digital skills to stay competitive in the job market.
Inferring COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes from X
Case Study X Health COVID-19Social media has become a platform for the public to openly advocate and express their opinions on various issues including health.
Understanding Informal Trade Dynamics in Benin
Case Study Outlogic Inequality and Shared ProsperityBenin’s trade performance has been improving gradually in the past decade. Notably, informal trade, smuggling and small-scale cross border trade (SSCBT) are part of the large unrecorded trade dynamics in this African country.
Maldives Development Update (April 2021): A Digital Dawn
Case Study Ookla Digital DevelopmentAuthors for the special focus topic (Part B) on digital development: Gohar Malumyan, Junko Narimatsu and Pui Shen Yoong, with guidance from Siddhartha Raja and Fernando Im.
Is El Salvador's health care system ready for telemedicine?
Case Study Ookla HealthThe World Bank’s Digital Economy for Latin America (DE4LAC) initiative leveraged data from Ookla for Good™ to analyze El Salvador’s telecommunication network to understand to what extent the national healthcare system could leverage the existing digital infrastructure and develop e-health applications.
LinkedIn Data Reveals How Labor Markets Have Been Changing in Latin America and the Caribbean Since the Pandemic
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentDespite the devastating economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are on the verge of recovery.
Insights from Leveraging Big Data to Track the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mobility in Buenos Aires
Waze TransportHow did the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures affect mobility in cities around the globe? To inform transport mobility planning, congestion data provided by Waze for Cities was used for a World Bank study on how travel patterns in Buenos Aires changed as a result of pandemic-related restrictions and changing travel preferences.
Analyzing the Evolution of Telework Adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean
Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and DevelopmentDue to the COVID pandemic, the use of telework increased rapidly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, as it did globally.
Green Jobs for Women and Diverse Groups Help Promote Equality and Climate Resilience
LinkedIn Climate Change Jobs and Development GenderThe role of women and diverse populations, including indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons, is crucial in driving the decarbonization process and developing climate change resilience strategies.
How Big Data and Machine Learning Can Strengthen Road Safety
Case Study Mapbox Mapillary Waze TransportHigh-quality and reliable data is necessary to gain useful, actionable insights and enhance road safety conditions. However, collecting data on road safety through manual detection can be expensive, time-consuming, and complex.
Why We Should Accelerate the Use of Digital Technologies in Africa
Case Study Ookla Digital DevelopmentAs Africa’s population grows, digital technologies are becoming increasingly important for the continent’s economic transformation and job creation. From computers to apps to machine learning, digital technologies offer new opportunities for people and businesses across Africa.
Reaching Digital Deserts – Extending Access to Broadband Has Never Been So Important
Case Study Ookla Digital DevelopmentThe internet is crucial for us to access information, services, job opportunities, education, and more. However, while urban communities flourish in the online world, many rural communities have been left behind when it comes to ensuring fast and reliable internet access.
Development Data Partnership Day 2023
AnnouncementJoin us for the Development Data Partnership Day on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. US ET in person at the World Bank HQ in Washington, DC.
The Effects of City Growth on Traffic and Urban Mobility
Case Study Waze Disaster Risk Management TransportThe Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca has been deeply affected by urban sprawl, which has strained the city’s traffic system and caused increased congestion on roadways.
Heatwaves Data Collaborative
AnnouncementThe Heatwaves Data Collaborative knits together efforts by international organizations, private firms, and researchers to develop standard datasets and methodologies for identifying and mitigating the urgent socio-economic impacts of heatwaves.
Development Data Partnership Day 2022
AnnouncementThis day is dedicated to addressing global climate, health, and food security challenges through public-private data science collaboration. Speakers from LinkedIn, Google, Data for Good at Meta, Spectus (formerly Cuebiq), Ookla for Good, and Mapbox will share their latest experiences on data science collaboration for public good, while leadership and colleagues from the IDB, UNDP, IMF, and the World Bank will introduce project impacts.
Buenos Aires Transport Demand Planning
Case Study Waze Transport Urban DevelopmentChallenge The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures implemented in 2020 had a significant impact on mobility in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA), adding new constrains to the travel behaviours of residents and businesses.
Where Did Everyone Go? Potential of Digital Movement Data for Natural Hazards Management
Case Study Cuebiq Disaster Risk ManagementEvery September 19th since the great earthquake of 1985, Mexico City conducts a major drill: people filing out of buildings in an orderly fashion.
A Data-Driven Framework to Support Bogota’s Barrios Vitales Project
Case Study Waze Unacast Mapbox TransportA data-driven framework to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of a superblock model in Bogotá from a speed management perspective and inform street design alternatives in the urban space.
Understanding Societal Responses to Policies Undertaken During Emergencies: Lessons from COVID-19’s Second Wave in Maharashtra
Case Study Outlogic SpaceKnow Health Disaster Risk Management Urban Development COVID-19Maharashtra, one of the wealthiest states in India, was among the worst hit by COVID-19, registering nearly 140,000 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
Visualizing Millions of Waze Traffic Alerts with BigQuery, H3 and Dask
Tutorial Waze Transport Urban DevelopmentWaze for Cities, a Data Partner of the Development Data Partnership, connects government partners to high quality, frequent and granular traffic data extremely valuable in informing public sector, transport and urban planning as well as addressing the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Understanding the Post COVID-19 Labor Market in Latin America and the Caribbean
LinkedIn Jobs and Development COVID-19Challenge The Covid-19 Labor Markets Observatory, managed by the Inter-American Development Bank Labor Markets Division, aimed to understand how COVID-19 has affected labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Digitalization and Resilience to COVID-19 Shocks: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Ookla Digital DevelopmentChallenge The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major disruption to economic activities and human welfare across the world. Despite the pandemic’s late arrival, Sub-Saharan African countries were faced with unprecedented challenges to contain the spread of the pandemic and mitigate the damage to the economy.
Unlocking Mobility: TapTap Maps in Cap-Haïtien
WhereIsMyTransport TransportChallenge Haitian cities suffer from poor transportation services, and the lack of data from existing services limits improvement efforts. Tap Taps are the most popular motorized transportation mode employed across Haiti, yet there is not enough data on them as they are informal, private, and marginally regulated.
Improving Public Space and Market Design During COVID-19
Veraset Urban Development COVID-19Lima’s Central Market has always been one of the busiest and liveliest in Lima, Peru. Before the pandemic, some hundreds of people gathered there to buy and sell groceries, clothes, electronics–you name it.
The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Internet Speed
Ookla Digital Development COVID-19COVID-19 and the related lockdown measures to prevent the virus’ spread have highlighted how important it is for everyone to have access to reliable and resilient digital infrastructure.
Optimizing Tourism Investments: Identifying Chokepoints and Underperforming Minor Roads in Sri Lanka
Mapbox TransportChallenge Connected and maintained transportation infrastructure are critical to sustainable economic development, but most current estimation methods of road quality are labor, time, and cost intensive.
Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia
Premise Health PovertyChallenge Although there is a widespread awareness of the pandemic, there is a lack of understanding from citizens’ perspective, especially behaviors it triggers, sentiments towards government as well as rising concerns.
A Light Primer to Spark / Databricks
TutorialDatabricks is a powerful platform for using Spark, a powerful data technology. If you’re reading this, you’re likely a Python or R developer who begins their Spark journey to process large datasets.
Estimating High-speed Broadband Coverage in Ukraine
Ookla Digital DevelopmentChallenge Ukraine, Europe’s biggest country, has over 1,192 operators and providers, of which close to three quarters operate under a special preferential tax regime, allowing them not to report their coverage/subscription data to the national telecom regulatory authority.
2020 Inspire Challenge Finalist - The ClimaCell Locust Project Agriculture and Food Climate ChangeAg Observatory in collaboration with the World Bank Data Lab guided and facilitated Climacell’s entry into the CGIAR Big Data Inspire Challenge 2020.
Mapbox Releases a New Movement Dataset for Mobility Insights
Announcement MapboxFollowing the Development Data Partnership launch event at the World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings, Mapbox announced a new dataset on movement data for mobility insights.
Data Partnership: Bridging the Data Gap for Public Good
AnnouncementDownload Event Program High frequency, timely, and granular information – which is routinely collected by the private sector–can help inform public policy and service delivery.
Introducing the Data Partnership on GitHub
AnnouncementAfter launching in 2019, when the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund joined the initiave, the Development Data Partnership has scaled up fast, with more than 100 projects having been brought to life supported by partnerships with more than 20 companies.
Leveraging New Data Methods to Address an Ancient Challenge: Locusts
Announcement Agriculture and FoodChallenge: The worst locust upsurge in at least 25 years is hitting parts of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Western Asia, and over 40 million people who are already food insecure find their food supply and livelihoods threatened.
Estimating Access to Employment Opportunities in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mapbox Jobs and DevelopmentChallenge: Poor transport facilities and infrastructure are a major hindrance to Bangladesh’s economic development. The road network in Dhaka is severely congested.
Improving Road Safety in Nairobi
Waze Transport“Data Partnership brings domain expertise. Google brings data expertise. Together we impact real world problems.” –Google’s Bailey-Galvis noted at a Data Partnership event in early February 2019
On Responsible Data Use
As we develop the Data Partnership, we have a responsibility to the people impacted by our initiative – to local governments and partners, and to our own organizations – to think about how we are collecting, using, storing, and sharing information.
Mapping Freetown Transit for Resiliency
WhereIsMyTransport Disaster Risk Management TransportChallenge: The resiliency of a transport network is a critical component to the stability and prosperity of a city. Freetown, prone to flooding and landslides, struggles to maintain services throughout the year.
Why Data Partnership?
Should the private sector ever share data with the public sector, even if for public good? Well, it depends. Most of us are in agreement that when companies collect our data as a natural by-product of providing a service – like our movement data or spending patterns – the company shouldn’t sell these data to a third party for profit, especially without transparency.
Data Partner Lightning Talks
AnnouncementOn February 13, 2019, the Data Partnership (formerly Data Collaboratives), for the first time, brought together Partners and staff. More than 200 colleagues joined the standing-room-only event, in person and online, learning about how private data partnerships can be made to work for public good.